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Looking to teach in my hometown...any suggestions??
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Forum Posts: 9
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July 11, 2005 - 8:48 pm
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I'd like to start teaching yoga in the community (I've been teaching at a YMCA and it's not that convenient for me!)) and am looking for some advice on where to start...I don't have the budget to rent space at this point..not sure if I should contact the Recreation dept in town or one of the schools...Not exactly sure what to charge per person ($5.00) drop in fee??? Shall I have all participants sign a release/liability??? The YMCA took care of all the details for me but I'd like to branch out and possibly make a little more money and be closer to home...Any and all suggestions would be appreciated!!! Thanks! I'm enjoying the forum!!! Ange

Yoga Paul

Forum Posts: 138
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July 12, 2005 - 8:55 pm
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Hi Ange,

Martial arts and dance studios usually have at leat one slow night per week and don't mind having independent contractors come in to teach something different.

I have written a book titled "How to Grow Your Own Successful Yoga Business." Chapter one has 16 ways to start up with little or no overhead. If you want to purchase a copy, please feel free to contact me.

When I was an independent contractor, I worked on a percentage basis. Many Yoga teachers still do keep 60% and give back 40% to the facility. Others get a flate rate paycheck and rates depend on your location.


Forum Posts: 77
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December 23, 2008 - 4:16 pm
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This thread is pretty old but I thought it worth mentioning that Ange has a good question: "Shall I have all participants sign a release/liability???"

If you teach in a YMCA, yoga studio or health club they should have those forms on hand. If not, mention it to the activities director. It should state that the facility and the yoga instructor are both released from liability suits.

This is crazy, but some people see potential liability lawsuits in the same light as winning the state lottery. So, you want to cover your tail.


Forum Posts: 13
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May 12, 2011 - 8:23 pm
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Places to teach yoga - Any place, business, motel, or building with a large open space is fair game.

Faye Martins

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March 24, 2015 - 5:04 pm
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Once you have a place to teach from, you should start using Google AdWords and Facebook advertising. Both of these forms of modern media advertising allow you to dial in the radius from your location.


Forum Posts: 117
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March 28, 2015 - 2:07 am
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great tips Ms. Faye :)

Kuldeep Singh

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April 29, 2015 - 11:15 am
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If you contact every company, chiropractic office, and doctor's office, you should have more work than you know what to do with. Many companies have corporate or office yoga classes. All you need to know is the benefits of yoga by heart. It might be wise to get a mailing list together, a brochure, and a website.


Forum Posts: 117
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July 23, 2015 - 6:23 pm
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 Great suggestions Kudleep :) 

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